
  • Language:
    French (w/English subtitles)

  • Location:
    Loire Valley, France

  • Production Date:
    Jul 2012

  • Duration:
    30 minutes

  • Category:
    Art Film
  • image
    Writer, Director, Editor                 
    Bob Yothers

    I am very pleased to share my short film: Tourne-cave, written, produced and directed while living in the small village of Pontlevoy, in the heartland of central France.

    'Tourne-cave' is the story of a French boy who's only friend is his shadow until one day he's found out. In his humiliation he exiles the shadow in a cave and later, as a man, goes to retrieve it. What he doesn't know is that over time his detached shadow has become so sick and twisted that it manipulates him into staying in the cave by showing him, not the reality of the outside world, but shadowy fabrications of the truth. Only the man's blind sister, Claire, who doesn't succumb to the dark illusions, can save him...

    Make with almost no budget, this little film is still close to my heart and shows just what can be accomplished with some guts, determination and a supportive community. Thank you everyone who was a part of making it happen!